21 October 2012

Bayar zakat melalui Maybank2u

Saya bace info ini daripada Puan Noor Laila Aniza b.Zakaria. ANak didik Dr.Fadzillah Kamsah

Ok...bg sesiapa yg ada masalah nak byr zakat, tak tau calculation n tak 'tersempat' nak ke pusat zakat, dan ada akaun maybank, jom bayar zakat melalui MAYBANK2u.com. Ni bg siapa yg tak tahu caranya, jom sy ajarkan:
Mula-mula LOGIN
Kemudian click kat atas tu account & banking,
Pilih bill payment
Pilih make a one-off payment
Pilih view all payees by category
Pilih zakat & charity (continue),
from list (contoh:LEMBAGA ZAKAT SELANGOR)
****Kemudian letaklah berapa jumlah yg kita nak bayar pun( tak payah nak kira2 kalau menyusahkan kita sbb tak pandai) , dan pilih je nak bayar zakat apa( letak je kalau tak pandai), (kalau num fon pusat zakat tu kita tak tahu,tak payah letak) - nanti request tac num dan isi kat situ yer.OK SETTLE :)) 
Kalau rajin & ada masa leh ke pusat zakat, kalau tidak bayarlah melalui maybank2u.com (daripada kita tak bayar langsung sbb tak tahu nak kire & tak jumpa org yg arif untuk tolong kirakan)
*** Jgn lupa, dekat bahagian atas tu akan keluar lafaz untuk bayar zakat kerana Allah taala..baca je ♥ SELAMAT BERZAKAT CARA MUDAH!

Kalau rajin & ada masa leh ke pusat zakat, kalau tidak bayarlah melalui maybank2u.com (daripada kita tak bayar langsung sbb tak

18 October 2012

Tiket air asia yang murah

kawan2 nak beli tiket air asia yg murah x? mmgla air asia ada slalu buat promosi. tapi kite kene pandai cari kan? nak kene view each date barula tau ade promo betul x?

so, lps ni xpayah susah2 lagi. thanks to kak anizah comey yg bgtau psl website ni. korang boleh cek sendri ok. selamat mencuci mata ye.

17 October 2012

my story with nestle: milo

milo is my best friend since my first age. it gives me energy and tastes so yummy. it's not just a drink. we can use it in few others way.

i didn't drink the fresh milk. i can't swallow the weird taste. so, i add up some milo as the flavor. it tastes marvelous!

besides, i also used milo to bake a cake. can't you believe it? we called it as "kek batik". we used butter, marie's biscuit, condensed milk and of course extra milo to make it become superb. after mixed all the ingredients up, we have to freeze it first in the freezer. you can try this at home.

i also baked milo cookies. you can add some almond chips n chocolate rices to make it more crunchy. i love milo because we can suit it with any kind of things.

believe it or not, i used milo to eat with bread. it replace strawberry jam function. it gave me more feel to enjoy the bread. rather than that, i also eat milo just like that. it made my tummy feel full even without eating rice on that day.

see guys? there were many memories of milo with me and i hope this thing will remain longer in the rest of my life.

My favourite celebs are Churping too! Are you in with the fun? #ChurpChurp

My favourite celebs are Churping too! Are you in with the fun? #ChurpChurp

How to Enable RSS?

Sy menghadapi masalah utk claim blog di NuffnangX. Bila hantar problem dkt Nuffnang, dia mintak sy enable kan RSS. Nasib baik ada pakcik Google. Berikut adalah hasilnya. Time kasih pakcik google =)

step utk enable RSS 

Change your site's feed settings

To enable or disable the site feed(s) for your blog, first go to the Settings | Other tab.
Here, you can select how much of your content you want to syndicate. "Full" will put the entire content of each post in your site feed, while "Short" only includes an excerpt from the beginning of each post. Select "Until Jump Break" to show all post content before your jump break. The "None" option turns your site feed off entirely. For more advanced options, you can select "Custom."
When you select "Custom," you'll see options for three different types of feeds. Each option has the same "Full," "Short," and "None" setting choices.
  • Blog posts: This is the same as the original, "Allow Blog Feed" option.
  • Comment feed: This will contain all comments made on all posts on your blog.
  • Per-post comment feed: With this option, each individual post will have its own site feed, containing only its own comments.
  • Once you've enabled your site feeds, you may want to provide a way for your readers to find them. If the template you're using isn't displaying links to these files, you can add them in using the site feed template tags.
  • All site feeds are published in Atom 1.0 format. However, if you add ?alt=rss to the end of any site feed URL, you can get the same feed in RSS 2.0 format.
  • Feedburner has its own 'summary' setting which, if enabled, may affect the display of your feed for the Until Jump Break option. You can correct this by logging into Feedburner and disabling the Summary Burner option from the Optimize tab

16 October 2012

Buat Passport

keinginan nak buat paspot dh lame cume x bkesempatan shj. maka hari ini,dgn yakin diri terus ke Jabatan Pendaftaran Negeri Phg (JPN) untuk buat passport.

sampai2 terus ke kaunter pertanyaan, 

saya : "cik, klu nk buat passport kt sini ke?"
cik : "eh, passport kat sebelah, kt imigresen"
saya : "oo..kt sini buat ic baru boleh kan?x ramai lg kan pagi ni?"(nk cover malu)
cik : "boleh2"

terus dpt no giliran utk buat ic baru sudahnye. 

1. pegawai akan cek kondisi ic kite. klu kad dh kuning@cip dh karat>die advise utk tukar, klu elok watpe nk tukar kan?. ade sesi intebiu sikit utk alamat n no.telefon
2. bayar rm10 utk urusan renew ic.
3. next counter, ambil gmbr ic yg baru. pastikan korang pakai tudung color hitam so,xyahla pakai tudung wakaf kat situ.
4. pegawai akan tanye korang nk pegang ic lame @ nk dokumen ic baru sementara. of cozla nk ic kan.
5. tgu 1 minggu utk amik kad pengenalan yg baru. yeay!(biasenye sblm 1mgu dh siap.kene rajin2 calll no JPN yg tercatat kt resit pembayaran kite ok)

settle utk ic baru, next ke imigresen kat bangunan sebelah utk wat passport pulak.

1. isi borang permohonan
2. bagi permohonan baru, kene bwk salinan ic n gmbr paspot 2keping ok. * pastikan dlm gmbr tu korang pakai tudung hitam@color gelap. klu x, kene amik gambar baru. ada disediakan booth amik gmbr kt situ. byrm rm12 utk 4keping gambar
3. tunjuk borang yg complete kat kaunter, then die kaan bagi no giliran
4. pegawai akan scan ic kite n ibu jari utk tellikan kedua2 nya.
5. byr rm 100 then tgu 1 jam. * rm100 utk 2thn, rm300 utk 5thn ok.
6. yeay.passport dh siap =)

sekian alkisah utk pg ini..

my blog's name derived from...

actually i've got this word from my reading in Reader's Digest back to 2009.

here are the source that i found in the google.


hope that all of you are clear about my blog's name ok. till then, bye

13 October 2012

pemberian taraf berpencen


29.9.2012 genap 3tahun saya berkhidmat sebagai pegawai kerajaan dengan status tetap.

sebetulnya, perkhidmatan saya dengan kerajaan sudah hampir 5tahun.

ini ditambah dengan tugas sebagai guru sandaran tidak terlatih(GSTT) selama 1thn 10bln yang berstatus kontrak.

apabila genap 3tahun perkhidmatan, pegawai diberi pilihan sama ada untuk memilih status berpencen @ KWSP. sudah tentu saya ingin memilih taraf berpencen dan tak sabar rasanya untuk memberhentikan potongan KWSP dalam payslip.

alhamdulillah, bertambahla lg amaun dalam payslip ;p

minggu lepas baru saya dimaklumkan bahawa status permohonan kita boleh disemak dalam website SPA. keciknya duniaku.. thanks to Angah sbb tlh melepaskan katak di bawah tempurung ini. cewah

bagi kawan2 yg ingin menyemak maklumat status pemberian taraf berpencen anda, boleh semak di link berkenaan ok?


just masukkanno ic anda, status akan dipamerkan ok.


05 October 2012

Bank Rakyat

Hari ni plan nak sambung langgan reader's digest lagi. Kononnya nak bayar guna kad kredit. tetibe declined la pulak. Ape kes? X penah lak xbayar lps swipe tu kan..

Terus cek dengan Bank rakyat. Best je ckp dgn Cik Najwa tu. Very polite. x jadi nk marah. hehe. rupe2nye sblm ni xpenah swipe utk service reader's digest. sbb tu die kene bukak port dulu. Barula clear lps dgr explanation dr Cik Najwa. TQ ye

02 October 2012


saya berazam untuk baca kesemua reader's digest yang masih tersimpan rapi di dalam almari. insya Allah

01 October 2012


having a big family is the precious gift that i ever had in my life. being the eldest to my siblings was a fantastic role. i loved to be Along in the family. eventhough a lot of sacrifice had been made since i was young but i never regret it. i have to squeeze my stomach from buying any nonsense thing. only expense money for the important thing to survive. luckily i'm living in the hostel that provides food for free. thanks government! i also got scholarship to support my life during my secondary school time. i have to stay in the hostel to avoid using more money to go back into hometown. because i know my father must allocate wisely his small salary to feed another 6 of his children at home. i used to give some of my PTPTN money during my college time to help my parents in raising my siblings. Alhamdulillah, our beautiful house are built with some of the money too. 

i am happy being Along to my parents and siblings. this role made me more maturer than my real age. i have to think about the outcoming impact rather than the present time. i faced the hardest time that some of my siblings didn't have any chance to feel it. thank you to Abah for your firmness. your encouraged tales and words turned me into what i am for today. 

thank you to my lovely mom that always give me a bunch of coins whenever i went back home. it was used to call family to cure my homesickness at the hostel. haha. sometimes mom bought me phonecard which have RM10 in it if she did not have extra coins to give me. love you so much too for your super yummy cook whenever i went back home for holiday. your extreme effort to your loved ones inspiring me every single day mom! you'd never failed to make all of us happy with your love Mak! 

All these experiences were so wonderful. it thought me to be more grateful for what i have today. hope that all my siblings will not take for granted for what they have right now. i'm trying to teach them not to selfish and being snobbish. i want all of them think about other's hardest time. my dear siblings (Angah, Dede, Ateh, Acik, Alang and Adik), please make Abah and Mak proud of us. Struggle for success. Do not ever try to make them sad. Hope there will always a smile on both of their beautiful faces. Along will always prays for your happiness and healthiness dear my sweet Abah and Mak. Amin...